Web Listing

Be Found

Increase revenue while helping your customers to attract more business with Web Listings

76% of local searches result in a visit or a phone call within 24 hours

38% More Phone Calls

23% Increase in Search Appearance

18% Increase in Website Visits

Rank for local searches

Update in one click

We scan 50+ online platforms to see what of your customer’s business is correct, missing, or incomplete.

Then using Web Listings, all your customers have to do is simply update and publish their business information in one go across all these platforms – such as Google, Uber, and Facebook. From changing your opening hours, address, photos, delivery options, …etc, with Web Listings, we’ve got you covered.

Update all your information

Publish everywhere

With just one click, the update appears everywhere it needs to be. Search engines, social media, review sites, apps, maps, and more. Web Listings will continuously and automatically push your customer’s business information to all platforms every month to ensure that their business information is seen as verified and recent, which will make their business rank higher.

Improve search rankings

Get more customers

Accurate listings improve search rankings. When more people can find you, more people can choose you. Completed and consistent information everywhere will automatically lead to more calls, website traffic, and navigation request. With our dashboard, your customer can keep track of your business results and invest where it matters more.

Get started today