SafeWeb Plus

All of SafeWeb Plus 4 new components!

In today’s digital age, data privacy and protection are paramount concerns for businesses of all sizes. This is where SafeWeb Plus’s GDPR Compliance steps in, offering a comprehensive solution designed specifically for SMBs.

Key Components of SafeWeb Plus


Dark Web Monitoring

Our monitoring system continuously scans the dark web for your data such as passwords, emails, or credit card details. We provide immediate breach notifications and monthly reports to help you stay in control.


Incident Response

Our dedicated team is there for you when you need it most. We’ll guide you through the aftermath of a breach and help you get back on your feet.


Privacy Toolbox

We have compiled leading documents on regulation, advice and procedures to help ensure your business is setup to succeed from the outset.


AI Support

Get instant support from a trained AI chatbot we have developed in-house to ensure you get the best information immediately.


Phishing Simulation

Keep fraudulent criminals at bay with phishing email testers

Incident Response: Always here for you

We understand that data breaches and incidents can happen at any time. That’s why we offer an incident response feature that allows our users to contact a dedicated helpdesk 24/7

If my company’s data is out there, what can I do to get it back?

While you can’t get your data ‘back’, you can mitigate the chance of harm. And that’s where SafeWeb can assist. By sending alerts about breached data, credentials can be changed, accounts locked down, and access and data records reviewed, helping avoid further harm.

  • Dedicated Phone Support
  • 24/7 Live Chat Support
  • Immediate Actions

AI-Driven Advice: Practical Insights at Your Fingertips

SafeWeb doesn’t stop at offering templates and knowledge. We’ve incorporated cutting-edge AI technology to provide users with practical and personalised advice. Our AI-driven system can analyse your specific request to deliver tailored knowledge.

  • Privately Trained AI
  • Accurate Answers
  • Immediate Actions

Privacy Toolbox: Your Roadmap to Compliance

GDPR compliance can be a complex and demanding journey, but SafeWeb makes it manageable for SMEs with our Privacy Toolbox. This feature is a comprehensive suite of templates, checklists, and resources designed to help small businesses meet GDPR requirements efficiently and effectively.

  • Comprehensive Docs
  • GDPR Impact Assessments
  • Subject Access Requests

Phishing Simulation for employees

Keeping fraudulent criminals at bay with phishing email testers.

  • Send phishing emails to employees
  • Check engagement to emails
  • Employee training to reduce risk

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