
Get more positive reviews and grow your business’ reputation

The more reviews your business has, the higher it will appear on search rankings. So you’ll not only appear above your competitors, but also appear more trustworthy to customers.

76% of local searches result in a visit or a phone call within 24 hours

38% More Phone Calls
23% Increase in Search Appearance
18% Increase in Website Visits

Build trust with your customers

Reviews are essential to being seen by potential customers in a positive light, our platform lets you request reviews from customers and then gives you a simple way to respond.

Customers rely on reviews to decide if a business is worth their time and responding to them massively boosts your place in site rankings.

Appear on a huge range of platforms

Boost your online presence. Our Reviews service helps customers to find you on sites such as Google Reviews, Trustpilot and Facebook Reviews. Customers use a whole range of ways to find a business that meets their needs, and our Reviews platform means your team can cover all bases.

Get started today

How It Works

Single Platform

Easily categorise your reviews

We collect and categorise all of the reviews you get on a range of platforms.

Simple Dashboard

Easily respond to reviews

Use our simple dashboard to view and respond to any of these reviews quickly and efficiently.

Improve Business Rating

Improve your rating on search engines

Reviews help you to highlight key areas to improve upon and responses help to drive up your business’ rating on search engines.

Increase Reviews

Automate customer review requests

Use the Reviews platform to automatically send emails to your customers, asking for new reviews on a platform of your choice.