Become a SaaS Provider with Candio

In the current day, when any business wants to buy software, the chances are they’re looking for SaaS, or software as a service. In contrast to 10+ years ago; any software, email or Microsoft Office, it was installed on the PC itself. However, in today’s world, the services are mostly an app that are accessed via the internet.

It’s extremely rare if a software provider doesn’t offer a SaaS platform. Why? Because it allows companies to get up and running quickly and with very little costs. 

Its so popular that the average small to medium-sized business will have between 25 to 50 SaaS subscriptions, at an average of £15.00 Per month each, meaning that a small to medium-sized business will be spending anywhere between £375 & £750 a month on subscriptions… equalling to £9,000 Per Year.

In this blog, we will cover what they could be, how important they are and how working with Candio can help you increase the number of subscriptions your customer base will take from you.

What are SaaS Softwares?

Here are the top 10 SaaS companies according to CRM giant, HubSpot.

  1. SurveyMonkey – an online survey marketing tool
  2. HubSpot – marketing, sales and client relationship management software
  3. Microsoft – Cloud, computer, apps and more
  4. Asana – Tasks, projects and team management
  5. SAP Concur – travel and expense management services
  6. ProofHub – team project planning
  7. MailChimp – marketing, email and automation platform
  8. Canva – easy-to-use graphic design and creative software
  9. Shopify – eCommerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems
  10. Slack – messaging programme designed specifically for office environment

They’re all very different from one another. However, they have one thing in common… You pay for them monthly via Direct Debit.

Many businesses believe that they can’t run without these softwares – the same way they feel about their telephone system!

How Important Are They?

It’s hard to remember a time when a business didn’t rely on a CRM to manage all their customer interactions, an email software for external communication or Slack for internal messaging.

In most SMBs, those SaaS products will be crucial to everything they do, and as a Telecoms company, you have entered the Subscription space.

Cloud telephony is now a subscription-based service depending on how many users the customer requires… The same as most SaaS products. If Hubspot went down for an afternoon, a customer would feel the same pain as if their phone system stopped working. That’s the world we are in now, and it’s more important than ever to keep adapting and evolving to stay ahead of trends!

How Can Candio Help?

Candio are a software company purpose built to help Telecoms, MSPs and Print companies grow their recurring revenue & increase the value they provide to customers.

We have a range of digital transformation White-Label SaaS products that you can rebrand and resell to customers, like Web Listings and Website Optimiser.

Web Listings is a single dashboard where a business can update their opening hours, contact details and other general company information across 50+ online directories, places like Google, Bing and Apple Maps, just to name a few.

Website Optimiser, on the other hand, is the only service that can provide your business with the tools to take your web presence to the next level. Website Optimiser combines many website optimisation services that would cost hundreds individually into one comprehensive package.

What’s In It For You?

Candio’s services provide Telecoms, IT and Print companies with the services that will enable their customers to begin their digital transformation. As a Candio partner, we’ll provide you with our self-service digital products that you can rebrand and resell, providing your business with additional monthly recurring revenue while improving the value you deliver to your customer base.

If you’d like to find out more about becoming a Candio partner and selling any of the above products to your customers, and increasing your recurring revenue, get in touch with us.

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