The Three Most Important R’s at Candio: Reseller Recurring Revenue

Yes, we know you must think that we talk about the same topics all of the time, but to show you how important these three words are, we gave it three times the focus.

We are a 100% recurring revenue business and believe in its power to propel us forward.

We are also a 100% channel business whose sole reason for being is driving resellers recurring revenues. It’s what we do, and with the growth of over £1 million already this year, we are confident we are onto a good thing.

Driving recurring revenue for your business brings so many benefits. And that’s why we would love to talk to you about how we can help you start driving recurring in your business while delivering digital transformation to your customers.

Book some time with Tom in our sales team to find out more about how Web Listings or Website Optimiser can provide an additional recurring revenue stream for your business.

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