The scary truth of ISDN switch-off for telecom companies

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, I’m pretty sure that you’ll be aware that in 2025 Openreach will be switching off the ISDN & PSTN network forcing your customers to upgrade to Cloud/SIP Technologies. Great news… right? Wrong.

If you currently have a base of 1,000 customers, this means that between now and 2025 you could lose £155,400 in annual revenue. 

How? Well, just like this…

The average SME business has at least 1 PSTN Line, this could be for broadband, alarm, PDQ Machines or fax machine that they just haven’t cancelled yet. The average price for 1 line is £12.95 per month – multiply that by a thousand customers, then add it up for the year is £155,400… that’s if your customers base is an average of 1 x analogue line 

To make things easy, using the above math we put together a few different scenarios below to show you how the ‘Switch Off’ will affect you.

Now, you’ve probably got most of your ISDN customers transition across to SIP but let’s say just 30% are still using that technology. This is what you stand to lose in just one year.

So, what can you do? 

Tactic 1:
Sell the replacement services, Sip, Cloud or SOGEA. The good news is – this adds to the monthly recurring revenue, but you need to do this! The bad news is that these services are traditional cheaper than ISDN/PSTN.

Tactic 2:
Partner with Candio to sell Web Listings & Website Optimiser. Results talk for themselves, and this is what telecoms companies like yours have achieved from selling these services.

Names removed for GDPR purposes on the examples below;

Partner A: Telecoms company with over 10,000+ Customers
• Increased Annual Revenue = £1.07 M
• Increased Annual Profit = £539,000

Partner B: Telecoms company with over 1,000+ Customers
• Increased Annual Revenue = £108,000
• Increased Annual Profit = £54,000

Partner C: Telecoms company with over 250+ Customers
• Increased Annual Revenue = £27,000
• Increased Annual Profit = £13,500

Book some time with Tom to find out more about how Web Listings or Website Optimiser can provide an additional recurring revenue stream for your business.

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