Online Visibility for Estate Agents

Marketing for estate agents has become increasingly competitive. Online visibility gives every business the opportunity to reach customers across the globe. However, for estate agents, the most desirable target audience isn’t global, it’s local.

A successful digital marketing strategy for estate agents should focus on reaching local customers and on appearing for local search queries. This will enable people who are either in the local area already or searching for your services in your area to find you quickly and easily.

Here are 4 ways that estate agents can improve their online visibility and win more business locally.

Tip 1. Business Directories
Over 20 years ago, all the local estate agent needed to win business locally was a listing in the yellow pages & a shop on the high street. However, fast forward to present day there are over 50 online directories – like Google MyBusiness, Bing Places & Apple Maps. As a business owner, you have no control over where you’ll be found, the only control you have is ensuring that all your information is listed & correct across multiple platforms. 

Using a tool like Web Listings provided by Candio, your customer can list across these multiple platforms from a single dashboard with one login rather than 50+.

Tip 2. Address on your Website
Once you’ve listed your customers is listed across multiple platforms, it’s important that any search engine understands where your business is located if you are to improve your visibility in the local search results. You therefore need to include your full business address and postcode on your website.

Using our Website Optimiser tool, you can how you compare against competitors & ranking results for certain keywords, for example: ‘Houses for Sales in Town Name’

Tip 3. Separate page on your website for every branch
When buying a house, you want to deal with someone local who knows the area, which is one of the major reasons why local search is important for estate agents.

If you have multiple branches, create a page for each branch which will prompt search engines to recognise your business activity in the specific area.

Using our Website Optimiser tool, you can ensure that all your pages are indexed to the search engines like Google so that you all your content is findable.

Tip 4. Links from other Websites
Links are an important part of SEO. When another website links to yours (in the form of a hyperlink) as Google considers this as a ‘vote’ for the quality and relevance of your website and this boosts your visibility in the search result pages.

By getting links to your site from local websites, you can improve your local visibility making it a crucial form of digital marketing for estate agents.

Using our Website Optimiser tool, you can monitor how many links there are to your website and the quality of that link ranked by Google.

Final Thoughts
For Estate Agents, it’s all about ‘Local Search’ and time should be invested in improving local SEO. Tools like Web Listings & Website Optimiser from Candio can help improve local SEO quickly and efficiently.

If you’d like to find out more about Candio’s services, Web Listings and Website Optimiser, click here to arrange a demo with Tom, our Business Development Manager.

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