Improving Customer Journey with Candio

·       Car needs new tyres?
·       Loved one’s birthday and your responsible for getting a themed cake?
·       Dropped your phone and need the screen repairing ASAP?

How do you find the answer to these questions? Most of us would open our search engine and type a few phrases that will find us the right company for the job – based on how close they are to us.

·       88% of customers who do a local search visit or call a store within the same day.
·       46& of all Google searches are seeking local information.

Here’s how Candio can assist you in helping your customer win online:

Being Found
To be considered by the customer, the business has to cross the customer’s path in their search journey, highlighting the importance of being on the first page of the search result.

Candio’s Web Listings will help with putting your customer’s business on the first page of results. Web Listings provides a single dashboard, where customers can enter their contact details, company information, opening hours & much more across 50+ search engines, ensuring no matter where you are found the information your displaying is correct and most importantly consistent.
Being Chosen
65% of searches result in ‘zero-clicks’ meaning that after the search happens, the searcher will find all the information they need about your business on that first page, from your business listings. Web Listings will give you the ability to ensure that all that information is up to date and accurate but highlight the areas that you are missing.
What happens to the other 35%? Well, the only real option present to them is your website. It takes users 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your website that determines if they leave or stay.

Website Improvement

Our Website Optimiser tool highlights the areas that your customer needs to improve on. The areas for improvement that Website Optimiser highlights include: website speed, mobile friendliness, performance and more.

Website Scanning: automatically scans your customer’s website, updating the sitemap and indexing it on all search engines
Highlight Issues: that are causing poor performance and explain how to fix them
Track Performance: we show your ranking by search engines on the keywords that matter most to you
Real Time Alerts: A notification is sent out when there are urgent issues to be rectified
This means that Candio has a full product range to help your customers win online, by first of all allowing them to be found & then secondly being chosen.

If you’d like to find out more about Candio’s services, Web Listings and Website Optimiser, click here to arrange a demo with Tom, our Business Development Manager.

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