New Service, Digital Transformation & Recurring Revenue!

Does your business fall under any of the following?

  • A technology reseller currently selling one of the following products: VoIP, Connectivity, Mobile, Energy, Managed Services, Print, or IT Support?
  • Do you bill over 500 customers monthly either through a billing partner or your own bespoke platform?
  • Do you have a Sales, Customer Service or Account Management Team?

If the answer was yes, then you can achieve incredible financial gain by partnering with us. These figures are based on the success that your competitors have achieved!

  • Increased Annual Revenue: £80,000
  • Increased Annual Profit: £40,000
  • Increased Business Value: £3.4M


With our leading services, Web Listings and Website Optimiser, you can help your small to medium-sized business partners in transforming their digital presence. These key tools are self-serviced and branded to your business, enabling you to become the partner that your customer needs. All for under £10 per month!

If you’d like to find out more about becoming a Candio partner and selling any of the above products to your customers, and increasing your recurring revenue, get in touch with us.

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