What should you do if your information is found on the Dark Web?

The Dark Web has become a popular place for identity theft, so it’s no wonder customers have become more concerned about their personal information and data safety. So what do you do if you find fraudulent activity on your accounts?

The short answer… TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!

But, how?

Change your passwords…

Customers will need to change their login information to the targeted account and any other accounts that have a similar password.

We always recommend a strong password combination – consisting of mixed case letters, numbers and a special character!

Multi-factor authentication

This is where your account requires you to verify your identity with more than just a password, such as receiving a text or email, using your fingerprint or face ID or using a code or push notification from an app.

These options help to keep others out of the account even if they get hold of the username and password.

Add SIM-swapping protection to your mobile device

SIM-swapping allows criminals to temporarily take over the phone using a code, allowing them to control it and access customers’ accounts.

It’s worth checking with your phone carrier as some provide this feature automatically while others require the customer to activate it first.

Report the theft of personal information and accounts

Customers need to immediately report any fraudulent activity or identity theft to prevent further damage and other crimes from being committed under their name.

Freeze your credit

Freezing your credit reports will stop others from opening new accounts under your name. Customers are able to freeze and unfreeze these reports at any time. However, they can get their lender to apply a fraud alert that’ll require verification on any activity.

Stay Proactive

Helping customers put safety measures in place will greatly reduce the chances of identity theft. Our dark web monitoring system, SafeWeb, sends alerts to customers – notifying them of any data or personal information that are at risk and providing tips on how to protect it best.

Final Thoughts

Want to help your customers protect their personal information and data? Get in touch now to find out more about SafeWeb, our dark web monitoring service.

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