Introducing SafeWeb Plus: Incident Response

What is Incident Response?

Data Breaches and Incidents can happen at any time. That is why part of SafeWeb plus we include Incident Response feature that allows customers to contact a dedicated helpdesk 24/7. This includes the following:

  • Dedicated Phone Support
  • 24/7 Live Chat Support
  • Immediate Advice and Actions

Why is it important?

We think it’s self-explanatory, however if a small medium business has an issue with a Data Breach this can happen at any time – this will cause immediate panic and rightly so because you don’t know what to do. Large Enterprise businesses will have a 7-step plan in place, but for someone who’s wearing many hats they just need advice, support, and immediate actions. Which is where SafeWeb Plus will come in.

How Does It Work?

If a customer has an issue, they contact our dedicated support team answering a serious of questions we will then give them advice and guidance. This will cover immediate fix, and long-term plans to comply with guidelines.

This is one of many features of SafeWeb Plus If you’d like to set up a demo to see how this can benefit your customers, get in touch now. Keep your eyes peeled for our follow up blogs introducing each sub product in more detail.

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